

                                   —— 給心的神秘角落

(*The following is an English translation of the poem)

To the Other Me in a Parallel Universe

To the other me in a parallel universe,
You visit me with your angelic child,
We share a glorious winter afternoon.
Though spring's footsteps echo nearby,
Your departing silhouettes move me deeply—
I want to eternalize this memory.

To the other me in a parallel universe,
I am willing, always willing to wait.
Though freedom defies definition,
I'll inscribe verses it carelessly dropped.

To the other me in a parallel universe,
You never addressed the sorrow seeping through my letters.
I understand—this is the spiritual path
Every solitary soul must walk alone.
Though balancing reason and emotion
Trembles like twilight on a tightrope,
I still secretly recollect in midnight meditation
The dawnlight that once lingered in silence.

To the other me in a parallel universe,
The world performs such authentic illusions.
We weave reality's thorns into fences
Barricading the present truth wandering in dark wilderness.
Though bearing hearts of crystalline sincerity,
Some words I've forgotten having spoken,
Some words remain suspended in cosmic dust.

To the other me in a parallel universe,
You came and went, leaving cryptic summons.
Though a waterdrop must return to the ocean,
In our unique spacetime continuum
We unfold celestial maps of soul,
Journeying together through eternal expanse—
Where future has already passed,
And past refuses to dissolve.

         —— To the mysterious corner of the heart